This Is How Bnei Mitzvah Is Celebrated In Yavneh

Last Friday, a Bnei Mitzvah event was held for the children of Yavneh at the Vasiliu halls in the presence of the Bnei Mitzvah, family members, guests and magicians from the Freemasons organization – Houdini Chamber 83.

The event was preceded by the journey to Jerusalem, the guided tour and the coming to the Torah and placing Tefillin at the Western Wall.

About 130 participants took part in the party, with great joy, in an exciting atmosphere and to the sound of exciting music. There was a personal magic show at the tables by eight magicians, the first courses were served, and then the ceremony began: the boys entered together, accompanied by Eli Dekal , dressed uniformly in the clothes that had been distributed to them ahead of time (on the tour to Jerusalem).